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Recently, Mr. Squirrel and I watched a 2003 documentary on the staggering events of 9/11/2001. I've not really seen any footage of it since it actually happened, but watching that documentary made all those feelings of shock and dismay come back. The tears would not be stopped. I remember where I was. I remember what I was doing. I remember the phone call from my hubby asking me if I had the radio on -- shortly after the first plane hit. [It was the one day at work when I DIDN'T have the radio on, as I was working a shared project at another co-worker's desk that morning. Needless to say, I was glued to the radio from that point forward.]
From my deepest heart, I would ask God to bless all firefighters, police officers, emergency response, humanitarian aid, military and civilian hearts who make this a great country in which to live.
[Note: There are more photos of the before-during-and-after at the artist's memorial website in the 9/11 Tribute section (about half way down the page). Click here. Right now, I find the photos to be more than I care to handle (mostly because I cannot stop looking at them once I start), and in deference to those of a similar disposition, I'll let you look at them on your own... or not, as you might choose.]
Godspeed to you all.