Saturday, November 21, 2009

Movie Time: The Last Starfighter (1984)

This past week, it made me feel a little old when hubby and I found the "25th Anniversary Edition" DVD release of this movie. However, it was a favorite for both of us so it was added to our collection.

Wow. I had forgotten so much of it. I was a Junior in High School when I saw this on the big screen, but I still found it to be an entertaining and warm-hearted movie. It's not a complex movie by any means, and would never qualify as being "deep". However, when you consider that it was one of the first movies to ever use computer graphics it really is an outstanding display of engineering and a respectable piece of entertainment. [Disney's "Tron" was 1982 - also a movie in our collection.] And this was also back in the age when the only 'computer games' available were arcade machines... for 25-cents a play.

The movie is rated PG. There is some language (from the somewhat obnoxious little brother), and some implied situational stuff, but it's still a PG. My favorite character is Grig, portrayed by Dan O'Herlihy. He manages to get a tremendous amount of facial expression out of a prosthetic mask that shouldn't allow for it. He's wonderful!

It was good to see this movie again and it's the type to leave you feeling good when it's done. Enjoy!

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