Monday, April 20, 2009

Caption this photo...

If you could put a caption on this photo, what would it say?



Mrs. Squirrel said...

Right side: "Hey! This yoga stuff is great!"

Left side: "10 seconds more... and I'm outta here!

The Squirrel said...

Yeah, you're right. If you turn you head sideways, he does kinda look like R.C. Sproul!

Mrs. Squirrel said...

Lovely. Don't tell me...
You put your back out again, didn't you?

Herding Grasshoppers said...

The owl on the right is not terribly bright. He's trying to act innocent, and is whistling a little tune.

The owl on the left, however, knows that his buddy just 'tooted'.

Herding Grasshoppers said...

PS Oh, what the owl on the right is actually saying is, "What? I don't smell anything."

Mrs. Squirrel said...

ROFLOL - Yes! There's a mom who has boys! [Or is at times married to one, like I am.] And I remember the post on your site about the "sneak attack" made while the hearing aids were turned off.

Too funny! Thanks for the guffaw!

Mrs. Squirrel said...

Along the same line, I could also see the head-tilting owl saying:

"Aw... why won't you pull my finger?"

It makes the other owl look rather disgusted!

Mrs. Squirrel said...

Psst - Hey, George, wake up! What's that guy pointing at us?

Anonymous said...

Left: I told you your face would get stuck like that, but would you listen? NOOOOOOOO....

Right: Oh shut up.

Mrs. Squirrel said...

ROFLOL - Nice one Joshua!

Thanks for a welcome dose of Friday laughter. I almost made a piggy-noise on that one!