Monday, June 29, 2009

It's like being in High School again...

[Original post: 5/31/09: 6:10pm.]

It amazes me. How did I never realize it? How (or why) do people (who should be adults) choose to revel in the the petty, backstabbing mentalities of high school? Yes, I realize this is a fallen world, but… Wow.

[original post shortened.]


Update: 6/29/09 (8:20pm) - Yup... definitely High School mentality.

The best thing I can do is just share the email I sent to my supervisor this morning... It says it all. As follows:

As much as I don't want to say anything at all, I am under the advisement of friends and family to report something to you.

Last Friday morning I encountered something I did not expect within the new work area: Someone sprayed something under the desk. I didn't notice it right away because my head is above the desk as I sit. Once I did notice it, I started the hunt for the source. I found that the strongest scent came from the back panel under the desk. [The logical back-stop for anything sprayed from the front of the desk.] My nose/brain translated it as "vanilla" similar to a Glade or AirWick product (i.e. some sort of air-freshener).

I wanted to report it, but who would believe me? Besides, there is no way to prove anything or even find out who did it.

So this weekend I put together a cleaning kit so I can take care of that kind of 'High School mentality' before anyone needs to know about it. It's my hope that the planned installation of some wall units may help discourage further antics as the current setup is completely open to any passer-by.

Thank you for your time.


Go figure, huh?


Herding Grasshoppers said...

Oh my word.

Someone came and sprayed under your desk?

Gee, since you have a known allergy, you could probably file assault charges... or at least malicious mischief.

Not that you'd do it, but the best defense is a good offense...



Mrs. Squirrel said...

If there was any way to prove it... I might have considered it. But with these people, it's just pouring gasoline on a fire.

Thankfully, it seems that fragrances are only headache &/or migraine triggers and not actually allergies. [Though I've not be tested by an allergist.]

However, my friend (in this same building) who is deathly allergic to fragrances has documentation that it would be considered assault with a deadly weapon for people in his predicament.

People can be so... uncaring. It really is an up-close-and-personal view of the "fallen world". It can be a very ugly place.

However, I'm taking 5-days off over the 4th... Yea! So, unless Hubby allows me to sneak onto his machine, I'll have to post something new next week.

Have a Safe & Happy 4th of July!