Tuesday, April 27, 2010

...completely from left field...

You know? I really hate it when God allows my friends to show me just how lost they are.

It makes me angry to see them not only advocating but demanding the legislation of evil and all things that are against God's teachings.

It's like God saying: Don't touch the hot stove. I love you and I don't want you to get hurt. And my friends are turning it into: Everyone must touch the hot stove in order to be unified in their pain and entitled to get free health care. Then turning around and blaming someone else for their burns and the need for care because they don't believe in responsibility or accountability.

I just cannot wrap my head around how they think.

... however Scripture tells me that this shouldn't surprise me. The Fallen Nature is what it is and it is in constant antagonism with God. [heavy sigh] ...and it makes it VERY difficult to pray for them... when all I want to do is let them have exactly what they are asking for.

God forgive me... and may God protect His children from themselves as well as others.

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