Friday, August 28, 2009

Prayer Request... & Thanks

Original post: 8/25/09

Another prayer request, please, for my stepdaughter this time:

Over the last decade or so, I've learned that "boring" is not a bad thing. Unfortunately, last night was far from boring when Mr. Squirrel's daughter experienced what we believe to be catastrophic brake failure and crashed into (i.e. through) the back wall of the garage. [I was actually beginning to work on my next "movie" post when this event occurred.]

I would like to direct you to Mr. Squirrel's blog for pictures & details: click here. [Note: My car is the little blue one parked along the outside of the garage.] We are all so grateful that there were no injuries.

This could have been so much worse in so many ways, and it reminds me how God shows His mercy even in the bad things that happen to us. My prayer request is that when the wall is shored up and the car towed out, that the repairs to both will be less expensive (and/or extensive) than we imagine.

I also pray that her insurance rates will not be affected... too much.

Update: 8/27/09

Mr. Squirrel has posted an update on his blog - click here. [There is also speculation of the cause in the comments.] Thanks for the prayers!

P.S. Please add some prayers for me. I've been dealing with significant migraine issues (triggered by fragrances) at the office, because new people have been moving into the area. It's quite a battle. Thanks much.

Update: 8/28/09

Thanks again for the additional prayers. Things have been improving again at the office. It really is like Russian Roulette. You just never know when you get the bullet!

God Bless & Godspeed


Herding Grasshoppers said...

Yikes! Glad she's okay :0) It could've happened at a much worse place.


Mrs. Squirrel said...

Indeed! Like any hill with other cars or people at the bottom... or just being one car width to either the left or the right.

I got word from Hubby that there is a carpenter working on wall supports and they'll be able to get the car towed out in the next few hours. I'm hoping that he will track the progress on his blog because I'm finding it rather fascinating. I've never been in the construction world before so I've never known how to 'rebuild' something that already is 'built'.

I'm learning some interesting things!

[If he doesn't follow it, I might try to snag some of his photos and do it myself.]

oops! Lunch break is over. Gotta get back to work! Have a great day!

atruckersprincess said...

Glad she is ok and will be praying that the repairs will not cost too much!

Herding Grasshoppers said...

Hope you have a relaxing weekend and get fully "de-toxed".

(Oops, that wasn't supposed to sound like you have a drug problem!)
