Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Prayer request... and praises!

Things are going pretty well overall - my thanks for the prayers you have lifted up for us!

This kind of a side-ways prayer request - for the ability to ride the wave of 'answered prayers' and not get swamped by them. God is so good, and His timing is perfect... but my brain is made of fallen stuff, and I need encouragement.

The bundle of prayer answers that seem to be coming in at the same time: 1.) Mr. Squirrel is feeling MUCH better and he's absolutely antsy to get back to work. 2.) Yesterday, Mr. Squirrel's boss called him to alert him to changes in the existing shifts that would give Mr. Squirrel a day-shift between Monday and Friday. [A huge answer to prayer that would allow us to have weekends together!] The shifts would also be 8-hour and not the 10-12 it was before. [Also an answer in the sense that his days would not be so long and draining on his energies.]

The 'hitch' in the works: 1.)
Mr. Squirrel's cough, though better, is not gone and he is still "not quite there" in his health or stamina. His voice is also not much more than a whisper which may not be good enough for using radio communication. 2.) The boss wants to know TOMORROW if Mr. Squirrel is going to be able to come back to work. [And last week, the boss wanted that cough "completely gone" before he would let him come back. ...and I don't know if this is a deal-breaker for his continued employment or not.]

This opportunity could be such a good thing for us, especially with some newly discovered financial "black clouds" that are looming on our horizon. We need to be a 2-income family again. I'm concerned about... frankly, the unknowns and what-ifs. Moreover, I'm having trouble "giving it to God".

As a weak child, I don't want us in a position of needing to choose between sacrificing the health to keep the job, or sacrificing the job for the sake of the health. As a selfish child, I want the good parts of both - good health & the job.

However, when I pull back... and look up... above all, it is my prayer that God's will be done in our lives...


God bless & Godspeed


Herding Grasshoppers said...

You got moved again? Good grief! But it sounds like it is working out better for you :0)

And still praying for Mr. Squirrel. His blog seems to be dormant. ;D

God be with you,


Mrs. Squirrel said...

Yeah - the neighboring department expanded into our area so I (and two other guys) had to move.

I'll prod Mr. Squirrel to update his blog. He's been playing with other sites and digging back into his Biblical Studies.


Mrs. Squirrel said...


Mr. Squirrel talked with the boss this morning and he is being put on a day shift to start on Monday! [We don't know yet what the start time will be, but that is "a detail" at this point.]

I'm glad for the minor delay as it will give him a little more time to heal up and get his voice working again... unless he preaches it out again on Sunday... I hope he'll be careful on all counts!

Many thanks for the continued prayers! They really are appreciated!