Wednesday, May 12, 2010

...Well, an update - sort of...

Well... There might be a few changes.

When we went to pick up the mail, there was no letter from unemployment. This could be a good thing. It might mean that the automatic-computer-generated form letter has been taken off-line. In my dreams, this means that "something is happening" to my claim. [Of course, it could also mean that it is going to arrive in the mail tomorrow... being just delayed.]

The other change is primarily in my understanding, which came from the meeting at the Job Service.

The meeting went OK, but it has been revealed to be yet another gambit of hoops. At least I did learn that this "eligibility" is not for determining whether or not I can get into training programs. This was for eligibility to get FINANCIAL AID for the training programs. [And the 6-month review starts today and not when I got laid-off.]

The 'assessment' is to determine basic eligibility via three separate programs. One is job loss due to something related to an entire company, but the company has to be registered on their list as a candidate. [My former employer was not on the list.] Another is 'displaced worker' where a job is lost because of 'lack of work'. [This is the current direction.] The third is eligibility through family income. [My last paychecks were too large to qualify, even with zero income for three months. But... musing aloud... we would probably qualify once we were six months into zero income.]

So, here are the new hoops looming in front of me:
1. Get letter from former employer stating that job lay-off was due to lack of work. Submit letter to Job Service.
2. If no letter is forthcoming, then they will track the information through my unemployment sheets (once they start sending them).
3. Once they determine I lost my job because there was no work, they will send me paperwork to fill out: Page one - the training I want to pursue at what school with specific notes on financial requirements, etc. Page two - why I am asking them to help me pay for it. Page Three - personal contacts with three companies associated with that field of work showing numbers of employees hired per year and starting wages. [i.e. proving that the training is in an active market with a high rate of employment success.]
4. That paperwork will be reviewed by a committee to determine eligibility.
5. If it is approved, then I immediately have to apply for Federal Financial Aid... any approval in Federal aid will decrease the original amounts awarded.

I was relieved to find out that none of this precludes the possibility of just getting the training on my own. So, if this all goes gunny-bag, there is still a possibility. Personally, I'm hoping (even more) that the work-from-home-job comes through. Then I can simply exit this "game" and pursue any further training on my own.

However, at first opportunity, I sent an email to my former employer requesting a letter... Now we wait...

God bless & Godspeed


Victoria said...

Well hello Mrs Squirrel, I will certainly pray for you, as Mr. Squirrel has prayed for me. I am a regular in the AOM chat room--and your dear husband is one of my absolute favorite people there. God bless you as you, like me, deal with the stresses of life! What a wonderful thing to Know the Lord who guides and cares for us in these times!!
I just started to blog myself--I will put a link--just so you know who I am.

Mrs. Squirrel said...

Hello Victoria!

I believe I've heard your name (or similar) when Mr. Squirrel has been in the chat room.

Welcome to my messy nest! I look forward to perhaps meeting you in the chat room (now that someone told me how to get Mibbit working again). I'll also check out your blog :)

Thanks very much for your prayers and I will add you to my prayers, too! There can never be too many prayer warriors to help us get through our days.
